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April 26, 2010

Whay my PC to slow

Any question why my computer is running slow? Worry no more; many people out there share the same sentiments too. You belong to the people who have waited long enough to start up and load their programs. It is very frustrating to sit and wait for that slow computer of yours.

Several people attributes that the main problem of their computer is the lack of memory. A complete memory will make you computer faster. However, this is not the first thing you need to do. Before anything else, you need to scan, clean and fix the registry. By doing so, this will put an end to your wondering mind.

The Windows is in charge of reading the keys, run the programs, hardware and software of the computer. The biggest source of problems with slow computers is due to the windows, though they are less talked about. Many people still do not know much about computer registry and its function.Repairing the registry is an easy job when you use the registry cleaning software to scan the computer for errors in the registry. In the registry there are so many errors and problems that happen all the time. As a matter of fact, when you always run your registry every week you still encounter problems, and you need to fix these problems. When you always scan your computer, this will somehow put an end to your worrying on why you computer is running slow.

The one responsible of how your computer runs is the computer registry. When there are some problems with these like the keys being corrupted or maybe disorganized. Then it follows that the computer will not be running smoothly as they should. In rare cases, the programs will definitely not run at all. When all these keys are put back to place, then the computer will run smoothly and you don't need to wonder why is my computer running slow.

Hence, a cleaner software will cleanup computers from errors that cause them to crash, freeze and make the task run slow than they are supposed to. A good registry cleaner will scan and protect your computer. Also, they optimize the performance and make it run faster.

When you want to increase the speed and restore the performance of your computer or laptop, there are some websites that can help you with your problem.

Your wondering of why is my computer running slow is now put to an end. Hence, the next time this will happen to you. You already know the answer.

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